Writing Update!

Writing Update!

It has been some time since I have posted a blog to this site, but I do plan on using this feature more in the future! 

As for today, this blog post is going to centre around my current writing endeavours and projects, with some exciting news relating to the second book in the Wolves of Flame series! 

Let's start with the big news! Thrones of Flame is looking to be an early 2024 release! Current plans are aimed at a late February publish if all things go well! Thrones of Flame is currently in beta reads, and ARC applications will be opening soon! Keep an eye out on my Instagram @annahealeywrites for more information relating to this opportunity. 

With Thrones of Flame currently in the hands of others, I have begun a new writing project which is an unnamed dark academia romance. Centring on themes of human relationships, revenge and retribution, this work is going to tug on the heartstrings of all readers! The journey of this project can be followed on my Instagram, where you can also have your say in some of the decisions relating to it. 

Now that concludes the end of this blog, but look out for more updates in the near future, when I can hopefully announce a day for pre-orders of Thrones of Flame to open! 

Thank you all so much for supporting me on this journey! 

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